Analysis of Labor Qualification in Civil Construction in Manaus Amazonas
Construction, Labor, Manaus, QualificationAbstract
Civil construction is one of the fastest growing sectors in Brazil, and in the state of Amazonas is no different, however, it is observed that several problems are affected by direct formal companies and one of them is the unskilled labor, especially when It deals with masons and servants, in these terms, the study of this study and analysis of the qualification of the labor in the civil construction in the city of Manaus-Am. To achieve the research objectives, in the first moment of this study a bibliographic research was carried out, based on books, articles and magazines already published, and in the second stage field research and it is also a qualitative research. And according to the two surveys, it was found that construction in Manaus needs to look for new ways to qualify its workers, so that the sector can be producing their buildings with better quality, as well as making their deliveries on time. Regarding the proposal to qualify the workforce, the surveyed companies will study a way to perform training for their workers.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Bruno Brande Gonçalves Rodrigues, Diego Oliveira Marinho, Sara dos Santos Santarém, Frank Henrique Santos Fontineles, David Barbosa de Alencar, Italo Rodrigo Soares Silva

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