Solid Waste Generated by Amazon and Tapajós River Vessels: An Environmental Education Activity
Awareness, Incorrect disposal, Water resourcesAbstract
Given the lack of research on solid waste generated by vessels and often incorrectly discarded, it became clear the need for a new methodological approach focusing on the knowledge of this theme. Thus this study was conducted focusing on the process of awareness of users of a vessel that made the route that traveled the Amazon River and Tapajós, using an environmental awareness activity, with results and immediate observations. From this, the waste was quantified before and after the interventions, which occurred from the clarification of the environment, solid waste generation, natural resources, water, among others. The research took place aboard a vessel that connects Manaus-AM to Alenquer-PA, evaluating the before and after the intervention. Given this, it is verified that the evaluation process achieved positive results in the minimization of solid waste generated, ensuring that the study has immediate effect, but the intervention measures need time for consolidation, given the responsibility of environmental education, which needs different approaches, under different eyes and with depth of knowledge, even if it requires a long-term process. Therefore, the importance of this type of activity is verified, aiming at the correct destination of the solid waste generated, in any circumstance, mainly in vessels, in different rivers, considering the condition of this natural resource. In addition, user awareness and education through environmental education is mandatory to better understand the impacts caused by different changes over time and needs to be an effective tool to ensure the success of habit transformation processes and quality improvement of life.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Eduardo Luiz de Simões Neto, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, Amanda kellym Marinho Corrêa, David Barbosa de Alencar, Gisele de Freitas Lopes

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