A Sustainability Analysis of Different Types of Asphalts
Sustainability tripod, paving, environmental impactsAbstract
The present work aimed to analyze ecological asphalts, aiming at their influence on the tripod of sustainability in the social, environmental and economic spheres. The option of using eco-rubber asphalt and EVA as a raw material for paving roads and highways is a bet for a more resistant material that requires less nature degradation and easier maintenance. One of the main reasons for the degradation of flexible pavement is the wear caused by the time of use, as well as the traffic of vehicles carrying excessive loads. This study reports some alternatives to multiply the improvement of reverse logistics of waste tires and EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) plastics, facing problems related to environmental impacts, which directly affect the Brazilian population. This project is important because it is directly linked to sustainability and the development of the environment, facing renewable and suitable alternatives to be employed, such as ecological asphalts, and their benefits. Among the benefits of ecological asphalt we can mention the contribution to the environment by reducing the amount of waste tires improperly discarded in nature and the durability of ecological asphalt compared to conventional asphalt where it showed greater resistance to climate fatigue. The research used the qualitative method being a study based on bibliographies, analyze and discuss the reuse of solid waste and the mitigation of environmental impacts through asphalt. Ecological asphalt seems to be more expensive than the bituminous asphalt used today, however it is environmentally friendly and its effectiveness, durability and safety are noticeable advantages.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Jorge Eduardo da Silva, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, Marina Hellen Maciel Torres, David Barbosa de Alencar, Ricardo Silva Parente
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