Piezoeletricity as an Alternative Source of Electric Power Generation in an Education Institution in the Amazon
piezoelectric, sustainable energy, electric energyAbstract
The development of technologies for the generation of clean and sustainable energy has brought significant changes to the energy sector in Brazil and worldwide. The newest technology is piezoelectricity, which although it has been studied for years, has not yet gained its proper space in the national and international electrical matrices. With this in mind, the present work aims to describe the process of installing a prototype carpet using piezoelectric ceramics that, through a force applied by any individual, is capable of generating enough energy for the operation of a turnstile in a HEI from Manaus-AM. The application was tested by modeling applying mathematical equations in the working of the prototype developed by APC International. Different answers were obtained considering the different dimensions for the piezoelectric parts. However, it is understood that this energy production model, treated as a new technology, presents economic viability in its implementation. One of the results demonstrates that the smaller the ceramic piece, the greater the energy production and can be adapted over time to respond to large productions. Thus, it is concluded from the calculations made that piezoelectric ceramics is an excellent alternative for the production of clean energy on a small scale, in a short time, and in the long term can reach large scale.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Yasmin Souza de Carvalho, Elizeu Moraes da Silva, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar, Igor Felipe Oliveira Bezerra

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