Adaptation of Leopold Matrix for Assessment of Environmental Impacts Caused by the Flower Avenue Project in Manaus City - Amazonas
Urban Expansion, Urban Mobility, EIAAbstract
This study aims to describe the effects generated by the construction of Avenida das Flores, has the objective of evaluating the effects caused by an urban mobility project, located in Manaus-AM, and the use of some neighborhoods of the city is prohibited. . Through this process of urban expansion, it is necessary to search for alternatives to urban problems, in addition to seeking solutions for the traffic disorder, a lack of urban mobility due to the difficulty of movement of people living in the more remote neighborhoods of central Manaus. . In this context, formulate the Matrix method of use based and adapted in the Leopold Interaction, which par excellence is dedicated to making relationships, noting the most relevant impacts. The survey allowed to obtain results that could indicate the negative effects caused by the environment in compartments such as: alteration (soil quality, area and microclimate), biotic reduction (reduction of endemic species and forest areas) and social (increase of vehicle circulation, attraction of new constructions and services, serving as a source of decision making, allowing to identify the most relevant effects for the use of instrument in decision making.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Diana Barbosa de Castro, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar, Ricardo Silva Parente

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