PGRSS Application in a Public Hospital Unit of Manaus and its Sustainability Characteristics
Environment, Solid waste, Management planAbstract
Solid waste from health services, the so-called “hospital waste”, has high risks to society and the environment. Because of this, it was necessary to create legislation that would indicate a whole treatment, seeking impact resolution without losing the quality of care provided. Thus are in force the CONAMA Resolutions 358/05, RDC ANVISA 222/18 and Law 12.305 / 10 that deal with health service waste management (SSR) steps and their management, defining the conduct of SSR agents to prevent and properly treat waste with potential contamination. This requires that every institution implements these safe-conduct strategies in the handling, storage, transportation, treatment and final disposal of SSR. In this research, the steps proposed by the Health Care Waste Management Plan (PGRSS) were analyzed: (segregation, packaging, identification, internal transport, temporary storage, treatment, external storage, collection and external transportation and final disposal). in a public hospital unit, located in the city of Manaus, by observing and describing the practices performed in the unit, resulting in 8 stages out of 9, which were presented, obtained satisfactory conditions in compliance with the legislation. What needs improvement in order to meet conditions responsive to legislation is local segregation. Another issue observed was related to sustainable responsibility, which hospital unit has. When adopting sustainable practices, there should be interactions of activities and awareness of all entities, which is already observed in this specific hospital unit, with sustainable practices based on certification because it meets the importance of the relationship with the environment, seeking to obtain increasingly satisfactory results, not only to respond to the legislative condition.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Tatiane Gomes Ferreira, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar, Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento

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