Diagnosis of the Basic Sanitation of the Prata Lagoon and Maresia Lagoon, Prosai-Maués Project, Located in the Municipality of Maués - Amazonas


  • Raimundo Marinaldo da Silva Lopes
  • Fabiana Rocha Pinto
  • David Barbosa de Alencar ITEGAM
  • Gisele de Freitas Lopes




Water Supply, Depletion, Urban Drainage


The discussion about the quality of Environmental Sanitation (ES) services is currently highlighted because it is directly linked to the population's quality of life. Assessing the scope of SA services has become an important tool for the management of municipalities and states, as it allows the adaptation to the reality of the population to improve future planning, foreseeing the expansion of SA services. The Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan - PMSB was established by Law No. 11.455 / 2007 as an important planning tool for basic sanitation services. It consists of programs, projects and actions aimed at improving the conditions of services that constitute basic sanitation: water supply, sanitation, as well as urban solid waste management and urban river water. With the accelerated urban growth in the municipality of Maués and the intense aggressions to the environment, the PROSAI-MAUÉS ES indicators were identified and diagnosed, which propose improvements in the urban, environmental and basic sanitation conditions of the municipality with the recovery of Lagoas do Silver and Maresia, which for many years have suffered from pollution around the lagoons. The lagoons in question were chosen for the implementation of PROSAI-MAUÉS, explained by the occupation of its margins by low-income population installed on stilts, the existence of flood risk points and the need for renewal of this urban fragment of tourist importance. On-site research was conducted using observation techniques and photographic recording to describe the conditions of local sanitation services. The experience of the PROSAI-MAUÉS project indicates that it is necessary to seek the institutional strengthening of the entities involved with the local society since the early stages. from the initial planning and execution to the final phase of monitoring and follow-up of the services provided by the basic sanitation works, thus ensuring the sustainability of the Program for future generations.


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How to Cite

Marinaldo da Silva Lopes, R., Rocha Pinto, F., Barbosa de Alencar, D., & de Freitas Lopes, G. (2019). Diagnosis of the Basic Sanitation of the Prata Lagoon and Maresia Lagoon, Prosai-Maués Project, Located in the Municipality of Maués - Amazonas. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(11), 765-775. https://doi.org/10.31686/ijier.vol7.iss11.1931

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