Optimization of the Perfumery Industry Production Process with the Replacement of Raw Material
Perfumery products, Substitution of inputs, Product performanceAbstract
The present work tends to investigate the lean production through the materials needed for the manufacture of perfumery products (cologne, deo cologne, eau de toilette), reduce its costs significantly, by proposing coherent substitutions to those used regularly, bringing improvements and productivity with the help of Kaizen tools. According to this comparison between inputs and their possible substitutes, all their processing and production are decisive for a more viable option according to the research theme and the viability of lean production in the most varied types of products, in the field of perfumery. In the differences between the given raw materials and the cost benefit, it is possible to promote higher productivity, without changing the performance of the products, even if there is a slight oscillation, but fulfilling the right role to the consumer, enhancing the ecological awareness and generating greater profitability.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Diógenes Quéops de Jesus Guimarães Suzuki, David Barbosa de Alencar, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa, Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento

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