An analysis of the compliance aspects of NR 10: a case study in a substation of the Manaus Metropolitan Region - AM
NR-10, Maintenance, SubstationAbstract
The Regulated Standard (NR-10) is a standard that establishes minimum requirements and conditions with the stated objective of guiding the adoption of preventive systems control measures. The objective of this study is to analyze the compliance of NR 10 in a substation, analyzing as inherent activities to the enterprise according to the standards of standardization. A research was conducted based on a descriptive and observational study, and was implemented through an on-site study based on data collection and information gathering in a substation located in the southern region of Manaus - AM. It is responsible for the distribution of energy throughout the south and center-south of the city, feeding about 450,000 people with the availability of 188,890 kW of power. It was concluded that it is essential that the electricity supply companies are fully in compliance with the requirements and surveillance standards in the country, given that the conservation of workers who deal with direct work in high and low pressure spaces be observed with a much more accurate strategic look.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Marco Antônio Brandão, Fabiana Rocha Pinto, David Barbosa de Alencar, Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento
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