Automation method of the concrete REDOSAGE process in concrete business unit


  • Raphael José Rodrigues Torres Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
  • Zulmara Virginia de Carvalho Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
  • Aquiles Medeiros Filgueira Burlamaqui Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte



Mixing concrete, Slump, Automation, IoT, Concrete mixer truck


Mixing concrete is a standardized material whose consistency is measured by the slump, which has a previously defined acceptability range, but not always respected in the tacing water redosage by the mixer operator, causing material losses, when returned by the construction team, or structural problems, by reducing of a final strenght due water excess. Thus, in this article we will evaluate the new technologies for slump characterization, in order to developer an automation mechanism  with the use of sensor and internet of things, capable of ensuring the material properties. In this sense, we used the Works of Amziane et al (2005) and Palazzo et al (1989), as well as NBR 7212 (2012) and others developed within this área. Preliminary studies point to the possibility of using sensors inside concrete plant, installed in concrete mixer truck, in order to obtain reliable slump results.


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How to Cite

Torres, R. J. R., de Carvalho, Z. V. ., & Filgueira Burlamaqui, A. M. . (2020). Automation method of the concrete REDOSAGE process in concrete business unit. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(2), 108-116.