The new Brazilian legal framework of science & technology
Barriers, borders and opportunities for innovation
Innovation, Knowledge Management, Legal Framework of Science and Technology, Lean CultureAbstract
The recognition of science and technology as a risk activity, focusing on results rather than procedures, means that researchers are more effectively engaged in activities involving innovation. The purpose of this article is to analyze the applicability of law known as the Legal Framework of Science and Technology, and it was constructed with bibliographical support seeking to contribute to a different view of the control organs regarding the research. The new Brazilian legislation brings with it the expectation that research and market have a process of approximation, reducing the distance between the knowledge produced in universities and their transformation into wealth. The possibilities arising from the new legislation tend to have effects in solving problems of quality, productivity, cost reduction, with the possibility of incorporating benefits to production and competitiveness, with the introduction of technology, methods and processes aligned with lean production. It concludes that the Legal Framework for Science and Technology, with its specific purpose of reducing bureaucracy in the country's research and innovation activities in general, is an important instrument in the integration of the academic and scientific community at all levels, and companies, representing a new path to boost the process of education.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Dercio Luiz Reis, Marcelo Albuquerque de Oliveira, Sicy Rusalka Goes de Melo Barreto, Gabriela de Mattos Veroneze, Ana Nubia dos Santos de Oliveira

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Accepted 2020-05-03
Published 2020-06-01