Big Data and IoT applications
the use of Information and Communication Technologies to obtain a competitive advantage
Competitive advantage, Information and Communication Technologies, Big Data, Internet of ThingsAbstract
Currently, the search for a competitive advantage is a reality in all business sectors. While several reports in the literature that address this theme, only a few discuss the relationship between competitive advantages and the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies. Thus, in the present study, we sought to investigate how the application of emerging ICTs, such as the IoT and Big Data, can provide a competitive advantage to organizations. To achieve this goal, we conducted a qualitative bibliographic survey of the literature, to identify and analyze the presently available publications on the subject of ICTs and organizational management. Additionally, we defined the elements that corroborated the conceptual construction of the results. Based on the literature, we were able to demonstrate that organizations that utilize Big Data and IoT applications can gain a competitive advantage over their competitors.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Orandi Mina Falsarella, Maria Thereza Miranda de Camargo, Cibele Roberta Sugahara, Celeste Aída Sirotheau Corrêa Jannuzzi, Duarcides Ferreira Mariosa

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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01