The Brazilian Agribusiness and the Consequences of the Intensive Use of Agrochemicals
Pesticides, Intensive farming, Sustainability, Family farming, Food offerAbstract
To meet the continued growth of the population and to extinguish the hunger that still affects 800 million of those living in underdeveloped countries, the increase in the supply of food is becoming more urgent. However, it is also essential to reduce the use of pesticides, in order to offer a better quality food, with less negative impacts on the environment and on the human health, through polycultures grown in smaller areas of plantations. This work, based on a bibliographical research, aims to present some of the risks and consequences arising from the use of agrochemicals in Brazil. On one hand, they enable the cultivation of monocultures, and on the other, they affect the health of farm workers, consumers and the environment. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the discussion about the risks of pesticides. And as a result, arguments corroborating the idea that the great challenge is to rethink industrial agriculture and begin a transition of food systems, based on a sustainable, biodiversity-based and socially fair agricultural model.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Samuel Carvalho De Benedicto, Jefferson Pereira da Silva Castro, Cibele Roberta Sugahara, Cândido Ferreira Silva Filho

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