A Systematic Literature Review for Multimedia Learning Objects Applied to Stewart Platforms Using Software Engineering Methods
medical informatics, orthopedics system, medical learning objectsAbstract
This article describes a systematic literature review (SLR), a methodology to be used in the survey of articles, monographs, dissertations and theses, in scientific databases, to provide a reference bibliography for the construction of multimedia learning objects applied to Stewart platforms, using Software Engineering methods. The bases existent in the literature between the years of 2009 and 2012 were analyzed. The methodology used was based on the adaptation of a revision protocol that suggests for a good SLR, to follow some steps, being: planning, primary reading, formulation of questions for checking if the work fits the subject and classification. The use of SLR assisted in the bibliographic survey process bringing successful results and relevant publications with high impact factors, thus making a solid basis for several works in the research fields.
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