Contributions of figures numbers in the development of geometric thought
Geometric thinking, Figurative numbers, Mathematics TeachingAbstract
This study was constituted with the purpose of promoting reflections on Mathematics of basic education, from a transdisciplinary view of teaching and learning processes. To do so, we aim to analyze the contributions of figures in the development of geometric thinking. We characterize this research in empirical-exploratory, because for Lakatos and Marconi (2017), this type of research distinguishes itself as a scientific process of investigation that allows the researcher to formulate questions, with three purposes: to raise hypotheses, to increase the familiarization of the researcher in order to research, modify or clarify concepts, based on a qualitative and quantitative approach, according to the depth of the discussion about the object in question. For this, we look for information in other researches, databases of universities and virtual libraries, periodicals. We hope that the results contribute to the critical and ethical awareness from views of the importance of the development of mathematical thinking, but specifically of geometric thinking, aiming at non-rupture with arithmetic thinking, in order to interweave with algebraic thinking . We consider this research relevant because mathematics teaching is based on abstract content that often makes no sense to the student, and here we show a part of mathematics that is formal but can be fun when well crafted in the classroom. Finally, we present pedagogical tools of innovation, aimed at contributing to the emancipation of the knowledge of this science, without ruptures.
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