The role of Knowledge Media in Network Education
network education, knowledge communication, knowledge media, knowledge dialogueAbstract
An efficient model of education is always closely related to a vision of society. The conception of network society places as a priority a network education model. The general objective of this article is to establish the foundations of network education and its relationship with the knowledge media. The methodology used in this research will be qualitative, descriptive with theoretical approach. The first section will establish the foundations of network education, based on the vision of network society, and its difference from distance education models based on the use of information and communication technologies. In the second section the concepts of “knowledge media” will be analysed and discussed. The third section will address the relationship between network education and the knowledge media. The fourth section will establish the possibilities and limits of network education within the scope of knowledge communication. The result of the theoretical reflection points to a network education model in the digital age based on the network society, within the scope of knowledge communication, aiming to establish the knowledge dialogue through knowledge media.
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Accepted 2020-06-22
Published 2020-07-01