Perception of Organizational Support in the Superintendence of Management of Public Administrative Expenses of the Government of the State of Rondônia
Organizational Support, Public Servants, SUGESPAbstract
This research was motivated by the need to identify what is the relationship between organizational support provided by the Superintendence of the Public Administrative Expenses Management – SUGESP to its servants, the perception of servants of this support and to the concepts of sustainability. The general objective is to assess the relationship between the organizational support offered by SUGESP and the perception of employees. Theoretical aspects were addressed, such as the theory of Organizational Support, the conceptualization of the importance of employee satisfaction for the success of organizations, the Theory of Organizational Support, concepts of Public Administration and sustainable development. The methodology employed is quantitative approach, the search strategy used was the case study and study procedures were done through document analysis. Data collection was carried out by applying a self-administered questionnaire to a sample of employees working at SUGESP, as well as with the managers of the Superintendence. At the end of the research, it was identified that the average responses from the interviewed employees point out that they are indifferent to the perception of organizational support, while the manager, in the direct affirmative questions, identifies that the support offered is indifferent. In the inverse affirmative questions, he agrees that there is effective support. It was also identified that approximately 56% of the employees do not have a clear understanding of the concepts of sustainability, a fact that influences the achievement of objectives and goals defined by managers.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Bruna Livia Timbo de Araujo Balthazar, Jackson Balthazar de Arruda Camara, Gleimiria Batista da Costa Matos
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Accepted 2020-07-18
Published 2020-08-01