University Solidarity Management
Weaving Possibilities on Decolonial Terrain
Societal Management, Epistemologies of the South, Substantive Rationality, Academic DependencyAbstract
In the perspective of discussing a university management proposal that places an alternative epistemological conception and understands the multidimensionality of human beings and social systems (as a critique of economic instrumentality) and the multidimensionality of the educational phenomenon, this article presents a theoretical synthesis, an essay of idea, in the sense of proposing a model of solidarity management, in the perspective of its dimensions (Cosmopolitan Rationality; Multidimensional Model of Administration Management; Intercultural Translation). The solidary management of the university centralizes the debate on interculturalityfrom the perspective of emancipation, while activating the reflective process on how to strategically operationalize actions that are guided by an integrative rationality and coordinate the dimensions of the educational phenomenon, in this case: culture, politics, pedagogy and economics. It is in the scope of a democratization of knowledge that this management advances from the “societal” management, as it comprehends a perspective on participation that qualifies the knowledge and practices of social agents in building proposals as credible, and the social organization should focus its efforts and trigger the experiences of the subjects so that the intercultural translation process incorporates comprehensive and purposeful practices within symbolic interactions.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Fabiana Pinto de Almeida Bizarria, Mônica Mota Tassigny , Flávia Lorenne Barbosa

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Accepted 2020-07-18
Published 2020-08-01