Telework, virtual work or telework
skills for work in the urgency of a major crisis
Competencies, Telework, Virtual Work, CrisisAbstract
The research aimed to define competencies for telework through a systematic review of the literature, through a two-stage survey: (I) bibliographic survey in the Web of Science (WoS) database, and (II) selection of articles published between the years 2016 and 2020, after reading the abstracts, based on the criterion of adherence to the research theme, and further appreciation and presentation of the studies. As a result, the definitions of the competencies for telework are gathered around four macro-competencies, which situate knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary for the virtual context, which combine the separation of technical and support competencies with the words “Collaborative work”, “Problem-based learning”, “Team work” and Interculture. These are: (I) Technical-operational competencies for telework, (II) Technical-relational competencies for telework, (III) Support organizational-managerial competencies for telework, (IV) Leadership organizational competencies in supporting telework. Derived from the discussions, it is considered, in the context of “big crisis”, it is suggested analysis on mental health and on the values of openness (innovation and expression of creativity) associated with the challenges for the development of competencies for telework.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Damarys de Souza Afonso, Flávia Lorenne Sampaio Barbosa, Fabiana Pinto de Almeida Bizarria

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Accepted 2021-08-30
Published 2021-09-01