An overview of the research and patenting activities that took place in Brazil during the 2010s


  • Vinícius Eduardo Ferrari Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas)
  • Mrs. Maria Eduarda Carvalho de Araújo Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
  • Mr. Samuel Carvalho De Benedicto Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
  • Mr. Cândido Ferreira Silva Filho Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas



National Innovation Systems, Brazilian universities, patents


A National Innovation System is an interconnected network of public and private institutions that aims at the development and diffusion of new technologies. We use the Derwent Innovations platform to study the patent applications in Brazil between 2010 and 2020, and to identify the main technological areas that have benefited from the research conducted in the country. Our main methodological contribution is to present indicators that measure the technological importance and international scope of Brazilian patents. The results show that private companies rarely resort to intellectual property protection mechanisms and that public universities are responsible for most patent applications. This study concludes that private companies innovate little, and, as a result, academic research tends to act as a substitute for business investments in research and development, especially in software development, pharmaceutical outputs, and scientific instrumentation. On the other hand, Brazilian universities and companies are both being excluded from the global race for the Internet of Things patents that has characterized the fourth industrial revolution.


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Author Biography

  • Vinícius Eduardo Ferrari, Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC-Campinas)

    Center for Economics and Administration, Postgraduate Program in Sustainability


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How to Cite

Ferrari, V. E., Carvalho de Araújo , M. E. ., Carvalho De Benedicto , S., & Ferreira Silva Filho, C. . (2020). An overview of the research and patenting activities that took place in Brazil during the 2010s. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(9), 243-253.
Received 2020-08-11
Accepted 2020-08-28
Published 2020-09-01

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