Can Ease of Use and Usefulness perception be influenced by physicians characteristics in the adoption of technology innovations?




Electronic Medical Record, Sociological Behaviour, Technology Acceptance Model, Technological innovation


Ease of use and Usefulness are the two attributes of Technology Acceptance Model – TAM. These attributes are the basis of this article that comprises the results of a survey with 221 physicians located at Santa Casa de Misericordia de Santos - SCMS, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil regarding the use of an innovation technology tool like Electronic Medical Record. The method was based on a questionnaire specially developed for this study, based on the literature review and the results show that the younger and the newer to the profession, besides those who began to use voluntarily and those who had academic preparation to use this kind of tool showed greater perception of both attributes, what led them to a faster adoption of Electronic Medical Record and its funcionalities like clinical decision support and big data. It was also identified that gender, amount of training and instructors do not influence the perception of attributes leading to adoption, but the familiarity with informatics influence the perception of ease of use as though as professional ties influence the perception of usefullness.


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Author Biography

  • Paola Zucchi, Federal University of São Paulo

    Dept. of Health Economy


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How to Cite

Rago, C. A. P., & Zucchi, P. (2020). Can Ease of Use and Usefulness perception be influenced by physicians characteristics in the adoption of technology innovations?. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(10), 87-93.
Received 2020-08-20
Accepted 2020-08-28
Published 2020-10-01

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