Craft based assignments of undergraduate textile design students: Multiple case study
Craft based textile, Textile Design process, Design education design experiment craft process content analysisAbstract
Modern textile design education is based on skill and practice. To inculcate the required expertise, contemporary educators used craft-based assignments. Many designers and artists consider designing high-tech products to start with sketching and drawing, paper, and a pencil. The visualization of design is a broad idea. It involves the cognitive critical and technical thinking of the designer. The present study discussed different approaches to visualization and elucidation. Craft based assignment is the foundation of the design process, where undergraduate textile design students experienced design development. The present study is a multi-case study. Data were collected from three assignments in textile design education. It’s a departmental case study where three cases were studies under the supervision of three textile design instructors. The outcomes demonstrated that, through craftsmanship training, the students found perception and explanation methods that were beforehand obscure to them and that they would not have thought of themselves. The study plan focused more on the thought and the outline sentiment than on the subtleties while applying the new strategies. The study shows that rough techniques seem to offer undergraduate textile design students a more robust visualization method and lower their creating threshold. The outcomes may be useful for teachers when planning craft projects that include a complete craft process that promotes undergraduate textile design students’ own creativity and ideas. Through a well-planned craft project, it is possible to combine knowledge of different courses and promote essential skills in overall learning and education.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Umer Hameed, Usman Hameed, Saima Umer

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Accepted 2020-09-30
Published 2021-02-01