Effect Of Reward Systems On Employees’ Achievement Of Targets In The Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies
A Case Study Of Migori Sub-County.
Employee reward systems refer to programs set up by an organization to reward performance and motivate employees on individual and/or group levels. This study was guided by basic salary, training opportunities, health benefits and house allowance as specific objectives in establishing the effects of employee reward system on the achievement of targets of semi-autonomous government agencies in Migori Sub-County. The study is expected to increase knowledge and understanding in this area by assisting the Kenya Government through Public Service Commission of Kenya in formulating and implementing policies that would lead to a fair reward system for public servants and therefore improving efficiency and effectiveness in staff performance. This research adopted survey design. The target population was 74 employees working in the three semi-autonomous agencies in Migori Sub-County. The sample size of 43 was drawn from the target population of employees in the authorities. This was 58% of the entire population of employees in the three authorities in Migori Sub-County. Data was collected by the use of document analysis and questionnaires. Data was analyzed by the use of computer aided data analysis software SPSS and Statpages. Presentation of data was done by the use of tables, bar graphs, line graphs and percentages. Descriptive statistics and correlation was used to compare the means of monthly earnings for different payrolls and also to establish the strength between dependent variables and independent variable. Findings in this study indicate that basic salary, house allowance and health benefits have very strong influence on employee performance as compared to the moderate influence that training had on their performance. The report recommends the harmonization of schemes of service within departments/ministries so that every individual is rewarded appropriately and fairly in order to improve employee performance.
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