University Social Responsibility and The Control Mechanisms of The Ministry of Education from A Systemic View
University Social Responsibility, Evaluation instruments of the Ministry of Education, University educationAbstract
This article aims to analyze whether University Social Responsibilities - USR is regulated in the control mechanisms that inspect and allow the opening and continuity of a Higher Education Institution, making an analysis as to whether the MEC assessment instruments are efficient in the implementation of a socially responsible organizational culture, having as a reference the systemic view, which allows a macro analysis from the legal side. It is a qualitative research, where the documentation of the Higher Education legislation was analyzed, using techniques to understand the object of study in its entirety, but whose raw material is the legislation that deals with the evaluation systems and the Instruments for Assessment of Accreditation of an HEI and course. The importance of this research is due to the fact that it performs an analysis to find out how USR is inserted in the legislation, and that the absence of a clear and objective legislation, make the HEIs comply only with what is required by law, that is, the minimum , and in accordance with legislation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mirlene Rabelo Magalhães Dias, Maurício Wilker de Azevedo Barreto, Cinara da Silva Cardoso, João Fernandes Neto, Randal Martins Pompeu; David Barbosa de Alencar
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Accepted 2020-11-27
Published 2021-01-01
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