Bibliographic prospecting for dryeration process system evaluation in the face of the conventional grain drying
Drying methods, dryer, dryeration, grain productionAbstract
The increase in grain production causes a significant increase in the demand for suitable places to receive and store these products for a more extended time and preserve the harvested grains' properties. The drying system in the storage units has become the bottleneck for grain reception. One solution to reduce bottlenecks in the reception of grain storage units is adopting the dry-aeration operation. This work aims to present a bibliographic review of grain drying and the drying system called dryeration, based on prospecting in textual and referential databases of good factors and impact. The use of the dryeration system allows to increase the flow in the reception of the storage units, which, compared with conventional drying methods, generates an increase of over 50% in the capacity of the dryer, reduces energy consumption by up to 30%, removing up to 2% additional grain moisture and provides grains less susceptible to cracking and breaking.
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Accepted 2021-01-05
Published 2021-01-01