Design and development of an unmanned aerial vehicle for agricultural spraying in Brazil




Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Precision agriculture, Sprayer


This paper presents the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and its configurations as a platform for agricultural sprayers, with a hopper with a capacity of 100 kg, which can perform better maneuvers than conventional agricultural aviation, for precision spraying on small and medium Brazilian properties agricultural. The development and construction focused on precision spray agriculture, taking into account the reduction of costs and accident risks, modernizing, and complementing the activity. Prince Air Models Ltd. made the prototype with resources from FAPESP under Brazilian patent number PI 0404045-7 B1. It presented acceptable results for all flight situations requested with 100 kg of payload and flying in typical maneuvers and agricultural patterns.


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Author Biographies

  • Jose Roberto Rasi, FACCAT College, Tupã / SP, Brazil

    Professor, Faculty of Engenharia de Produção

  • Mollo Neto, São Paulo State University - UNESP

    Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • Roberto Bernardo, FADAP COLLEGE

    Professor, Faculty of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Rasi, J. R., Mollo Neto, M., & Bernardo, R. . (2020). Design and development of an unmanned aerial vehicle for agricultural spraying in Brazil. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(12), 405-419.
Received 2020-11-28
Accepted 2020-12-04
Published 2020-12-01

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