Laying productivity with constant renewal in water fountains during heatwave
ambience, equipment, water, extreme climateAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the water renewal system of drinking fountains in laying hens and its relationship with productivity. For this, 5,000 laying hens of the Dekalb White line were used in each shed, which received food and water ad libitum. The warehouses had a conventional typology, Californian type. For this, a digital water renewal system was installed in three nipple drinking fountains in one of the warehouses (treatment 2 - T2) and the other remained without the water renewal system (treatment 1 - T1). Using Thermo hygrometers, the average air temperature (° C) and the average relative humidity of the air (%) were measured. For the water temperature (° C), a water renewal system (Flushing Control® - Lubing model) was used, which carried out the renewal of the birds' drinking water six times a day. Feed consumption (g / bird / day), water consumption (ml), egg production (%) and mortality (%) were evaluated. During the study period, using data from the weather station, the occurrence or not of heatwaves was defined. A completely randomized design (DIC) was performed in a 2 × 2 factorial scheme (two sheds: conventional system and with water renewal; with and without heatwave) and the data were subjected to analysis of variance (5%). It concludes the efficiency of the use of the water renewal system for zootechnical performance, during the heatwave, but the use of air conditioning systems and measures to reduce the direct radiation in the birds and installation is still necessary. There was a positive influence (p <0.05) in the use of the water renewal system for water temperature (° C), water consumption (ml) and egg production (%). In the presence of a heatwave, the feed and water consumption variables were lower (p <0.05). There was no interaction between the systems and the presence of heatwaves. It is concluded that the use of a water renewal system has benefits in zootechnical indexes, however, it does not interact with the presence of heatwaves.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Mario Mollo Neto, Gislaine Trecenti Teixeira, Leda Gobbo de Freitas Bueno, Daiane Dantas Fagundes, Nilce Maria Soares

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