Expert System Development for the Prevention of Hoof Pathologies Applied to the Intensive Swine Production
Expert system, Fuzzy logic, Mamdani, Swine production, Claw health, FlooringAbstract
Claw lameness can be associated with biomechanical factors caused by imbalances of the pressure distribution under the hooves when swine are confined in modern facilities with hard concrete flooring. Comparing hoof pressure distribution data of swine boars walking over two different types of floors (standard concrete vs. 3mm rubber mattress) in previous research, it was found a great advantage favoring the rubber mat flooring showing that it was capable of reducing pressures under the claws as the pressure became more evenly distributed under this treatment resulting in balanced weight-bearing surfaces. The objective of this study was to develop an expert system based on Fuzzy logic algorithm for the prevention of hoof pathologies applied to the intensive swine production by estimating occurrence of claw lesions based on the association of knowledge gathered on pressure distribution from previous research as well as the influences of nutrition, friction coefficients found on different types of available flooring, hoof sizes and animal weight on the welfare of the swine’s locomotory system. The data were correlated initially using Matlab® platform associating expert’s knowledge and literature through a knowledge system that weights the variables according to their impact on claw health. The final user interface was coded using Microsoft Visual Studio Rapid Application Development tool and the resulting system was validated in several different laboratory scenarios and its performance was considered to be satisfactory according to findings in the literature. The expert system was coded and the authors concluded that the system could be a great contribution and advance in the swine’s industry, nonetheless, its performance still requires field testing for fine adjustments which should be encouraged to be carried out in further researches.
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