Identification of Variables and Information Requirements for Implementation of Traceability in Egg Production
Poultry keeping, Legislation, Food safety, Quality requirementsAbstract
Brazil is the 3rd largest egg producer in the Americas and for production to be achieved, it must be organized to produce with quality and productivity. For all quality requirements to be met, guidance documents such as EMBRAPA and the Brazilian Poultry Union cover all stages of the production process, from the origin of the inputs to the later stages of production. In addition to these instructions, other legislation dealing with traceability is used to regulate production processes in food chains. In this context, the objective of this work is to confront the main national and international standards related to traceability to verify common requirements and that can compose a system of data collection. The work was divided into three stages and presented as a result the common requirements: sanitary management in the breeding and rearing phases, lineage, input control, poultry vaccination, poultry feeding, sanitary monitoring, egg collection information, eggs, and biosafety, product description, batch identification, date of shipment and data of the sending company and data of the company of destination, in addition to the information retrieval system.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Denise Belloni Ferrari Furlan, Mario Mollo Neto, Ricardo César Gonçalvez Sant’ana, Leda Gobbo de Freitas Bueno, Marcelo Marques de Magalhães, Danilo Florentino Pereira

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Accepted 2020-08-28
Published 2020-09-01