Project Model Canvas’ Contributions to the Project-Based Learning Method
Project Model Canvas, Project-Based Learning, project management, meaningful learningAbstract
The present study has as its main objective to contribute to the Project-Based Learning (PBL) Method, in face-to-face and/or remote education, with the help of Project Model Canvas (PMC), a project management tool; as secondary objective, it intends to become acquainted with PMC, as one of the existing Project Management methods, and understand PBL’s relevance for face-to-face or remote education. It is a qualitative review of literature; two digital platforms, Scientific Electronic Library Online (sciELO) and Google Scholar, were searched for papers in the field of Education that address PMC and PBL between 2013 to 2019. Results show that the integrating PMC into PBL would make project planning and management more collaborative and fluid, facilitating the delivery of the end product, thus promoting significant and integral learning of the subjects involved. At the end of the study, it is concluded that PBL may be better more efficiently implemented when combined with the PMC, a practical model for the creation and management of short, medium and long-term projects. The combined use of the two methodologies fosters the construction of meaningful, self-directed student knowledge, favoring the development of their cognitive and socio-emotional skills.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Francisca Janaina Dantas Galvão Ozório , Petrônio Cavalcante, Ana Lucia Ferreira Pitombeira, Geraldo Venceslau de Lima Junior, Sinara Mota Neves de Almeida, Emanoel Rodrigues Almeida , Andrea Moura da Costa Souza, Igor de Moraes Paim
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Accepted 2021-01-05
Published 2021-01-01
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