The Whole-Body Vibration in Bus Drivers: Association with Physical Fitness and Low Back Pain
Whole body vibration, bus drivers, low back pain and physical fitnessAbstract
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between exposure to whole body vibration, prevalence of low back pain and level of physical fitness in bus drivers. The measurement of whole body vibration was in 100 city buses with different characteristics and the prevalence of low back pain was assessed in 200 drivers with a measurement of physical fitness level. Descriptive statistics with mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics were used with the Kurskal-Wallis test, Dunn's multiple comparisons test, Poisson regression and significance level of p <0.05. The results demonstrate significant differences between the vehicle models, characterizing the conventional and articulated buses on the y and z axes with higher levels of vibration. Drivers working with conventional and articulated vehicles had a higher prevalence of low back pain with 57.5 and 60%, respectively. The level of physical fitness was low in most of the sample, however, the drivers of bi-articulated and micro bus had higher levels. Poisson regression with the outcome of low back pain, showed the factors that showed a significant prediction: age, working time, abdominal muscle resistance, lumbar strength, RMSy and RMSz.
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Accepted 2021-01-23
Published 2021-02-01