Systematic Review on the Theme of Sustainability in Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0, Sustainable development, Systematic Literature Review, PRISMA methodAbstract
On the recent process of reflection on the values of a based-on consumption society, the analyst put in check the global capacity to attend the demand for capital goods and consumption combined with the simultaneous quality of life. Sustainability, in turn, as a field of disputes, seeks to extend practices in the industrial environment as a carrier of dimensions beyond the environmental, and also seeks to present new paradigms of production and consumption for the creation of new industrial value, seeking to mitigate impacts and externalities of the production process, through sustainable development. This article proposes to understand that interactions can be established between the fourth industrial revolution and the dimensions of sustainability, presenting their characteristics and their interconnections in the literature search. Through a systematic review of the literature, using the PRISMA method, the leading publications on the levels of integrated technologies of the so-called Industry 4.0 that are related to the dimensions of sustainability and its main trends in the academic field were analyzed.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Patricia Costa, Pedro Henrique Mariosa, Fabiana Rocha, Duarcides Ferreira Mariosa

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Accepted 2021-01-28
Published 2021-02-01