ECHO360 Active Learning Platform in Health Sciences education
How, when and why to use it?
ECHO360, online platform, lecture capture, active learning platformAbstract
The ECHO360 Active Learning Platform (ALP) is an online active learning platform allowing the creation of interactive multimedia content for anytime student learning, with the potential for comprehensive analytics. This ALP has previously been shown to enhance student participation and engagement during in-class activities however it can be challenging to use at first. To enhance the uptake of ECHO360 ALP in and out of the classroom a simplified guide with clear instructions on the most useful aspects of the platform was developed and shared with staff, successfully creating a community of instructors. A student guide was also prepared which showcased the methods for gaining the most from its use in and out of lectures. These resources are available in the appendix.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Christian Cobbold, Francesca Fernandez, Isabelle Lys

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Accepted 2021-01-28
Published 2021-02-01