Availability of raw materials in the state of Piauí for the production of ceramic coating
Raw material, Coating ceramics, ClaysAbstract
The main raw material for the production of ceramic materials is clay, it can be found in large quantities throughout Brazil, in addition to having a simple processing method in the preparation of the mass of ceramic tiles using mixtures of kaolinitic clays (not very plastic) and illitic (plastic) clays, this mixture favors by developing a series of functions such as: light-burning color; act as binders and plasticizers; facilitate fluidity, due to its melting properties, provide a good burning density and excellent mechanical resistance. This work addresses the main basic white-burning raw materials used in the production of ceramic tiles: quartz, kaolin, talc and limestone and their influence on the ceramic mass. All raw materials mentioned are available in the State of Piauí. For this, a bibliographic review of a descriptive, basic and qualitative nature was carried out on the theme and with the results, it was possible to identify the existence of white-burning raw materials in the State of Piauí that can be used in the production of ceramic coating.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Paulysendra Felipe Silva, Francisca das Chagas Oliveira, Rebeka Manuela Lobo Sousa, Phillype Dowglas Lopes, Italo Gutierry Carneiro da Conceição, Gilvan Moreira da Paz, Roberto Arruda Lima Soares

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Accepted 2021-03-21
Published 2021-04-01