Optimization method applied to decision-making on intermodal alternative for soybean outflow in the State of Pará-Brazil
Intermodal transport, Linear programming, Waterway route, OptimizationAbstract
In Brazil, the sector of agribusiness suffers with the lack of infrastructure for the production outflow and as transportation costs increase, they affect its competitiveness in the world scenario. In this work, an optimization model was developed to support decision-making to soybeans transport for export, in regions in the state of Para (Brazil) near to Tocantins-Araguaia waterway. The study applied a Linear Programming model, adopting the transport problem, in search of minimizing the costs of alternative routes, restricted to the respective supply and demand limitations. The model aimed to minimize the transport costs from the production centers to the exporting port, through the current infrastructure and suggesting the road and waterway intermodal alternative by means of the interior navigation, considering diverse points for transshipment. The results showed a cost reduction for production outflow in the base year of the study when the intermodal transport was used. Furthermore, the new routes only by waterway created a new transport network configuration, decreasing the road distances for the municipalities production outflow, supporting the increasing of competitiveness of the state, as well as providing wealth generation in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Vitor Hugo Pereira de Oliveira, Maisa Sales Gama Tobias, Marcus Pinto da Costa da Rocha, Valcir João da Cunha Farias, Miercio Cardoso de Alcantara Neto, Matheus Melo Souza, Leonam Ferreira de Araújo

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Accepted 2021-04-28
Published 2021-07-01