Physiology and morphology of rice plants with silicon supplementation and Dietholate seed treatment under water deficit
abiotic stress, Oryza sativa L., safener.Abstract
Silicon is an enzyme stimulator that promotes signaling for the production of antioxidant, osmoprotective compounds and attenuates interference in photosynthesis in rice plants subjected to water deficit. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible effects of silicon as a stress reliever in rice plants grown from seeds treated with dietholate under of water deficit conditions. The experimental design was fully randomized with three replicates, 144 experimental units consisting of pots containing 4.4 pounds soil, and a 3x2x2x4 factorial arrangement: three soil water conditions (50% and 100% of soil water retention capacity and water blade of 5.0 cm); two cultivars (IRGA 424 RI and Guri INTA CL); two sources of Si (sodium and potassium metasilicate); and four Si rates (0; 4.0; 8.0 and 16 g L-1). Silicon boosted stomatal density; induced an increase in the maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) under both water deficit and optimal conditions, boosting photosynthesis; and increased effective quantum yield of PSII and levels of total dry mass. Thus, silicon attenuated the effects of water deficit in plants grown from seeds treated with dietholate.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Jéssica Cezar Cassol, Sidinei José Lopes, Sylvio Henrique Bidel Dornelles, Mariane Peripolli, Luciane Almeri Tabaldi

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Accepted 2021-04-28
Published 2021-05-01
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