Swot Analysis Implemented With Fuzzy Inference to Support Decision Making
Swot Matrix;, Fuzzy Inference;, Strategic Positioning;Abstract
Current market conditions require organizations to understand the business environment in order to achieve strategic planning and decision-making processes. An organization's competitive advantage is associated with an understanding of how to determine the potential of these companies when examining internal and external conditions (insertions) and the effort to meet customer needs. Among the many tools that contribute to this understanding, the SWOT analysis stands out, which can assist organizations to better understand the internal and external environment and formulate strategic plans in a collaborative way. This work aimed to implement an evaluation model for SWOT analysis using fuzzy inference methods. The adopted methodology started from a survey on the internal and external characteristics of the organization, definition of the linguistic criteria of the SWOT matrix, correlation between the variables found and elaboration of the fuzzy inference system for crossing the inputs. The approach proposed by the Fuzzy Inference model for the SWOT matrix proved to be simplified and efficient for a better collection of information that allows the prediction of the future environment, enabling reasoned strategies resulting from the model presented.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Enyleide Lima, Manoel Henrique Reis Nascimento, David Barbosa de Alencar, Mauro Reis Nascimento, José Roberto Lira Pinto Júnior, Ana Lúcia Fernandes da Silva

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Accepted 2021-08-30
Published 2021-09-01