5G Technology Analysis in Relation to Electromagnetic Waves
5G, Electromagnetic waves, Millimeter waves, Mobile NetworkAbstract
Electromagnetic waves are present in most of the main equipment used by humans. The advancement of 5G mobile network technology has been gaining ground in the telecommunications market and with it both positive and potentially negative consequences as it is used. Fundamental research has been conducted to gain knowledge and familiarity with 5G technology, how it works and its millimeter waves, which is a new range of the electromagnetic spectrum, which works with this new very high frequency and the first time used in technology. mobile network, as well as exploratory research through techniques such as bibliographic surveys in search of data such as frequency, related to 5G and the equipment transmitting electromagnetic waves, and conducting a comparative study to determine through the data collected from both , pointing out studies that present the evils that may cause the human being due to the use of high frequency. According to the results obtained on the 5G, the use of mobile network frequency presents no risks compared to other equipment that humans have been using. Therefore, despite the research results, it is still too early to point out possible damage over the years with the use of this technology, not ruling out possible consequences.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Cristian Filipe Silva de Oliveira, José Carlos Lopes Mendes Junior, Rinaldo Kaxinawa Ferreira da Silva, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, David Barbosa de Alencar, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira

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