Analysis of Logistics Infrastructure Characteristics in Amazonas
Logistics in the Amazon, logistical challengesAbstract
Logistics is an essential component of economic growth, the development of a country, as the element of production movement and regional trade, in which it directly affects competitiveness. Throughout the history of mankind wars have been won and defeated by the strengths and capabilities of logistics - or lack thereof. Transport infrastructure plays a significant role in the logistics process of a given region, as it impacts transport costs, causing barriers to economic and social development. It is often said that the problem of the Amazon region is not logistics, but lack of infrastructure to serve the region. Thus, this research sought to verify the scenario of distribution logistics in the interior of the Amazon, investments in transport infrastructure in the state of Amazonas. This article aimed to verify the importance of logistics in companies in the State of Amazonas and to analyze the challenges of small and large companies.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Sâmya Aira Eloi Botelho, David Barbosa de Alencar, Lina Reis Botelho, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa

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