Memory in the quilombo Alcantarense de Itamatatiua-MA

The focus on religiosity




History, Memory, Religiosity, Formation, Quilombola Territory from Itamatiua


The narratives about the development of the territory that comprises Itamatatiua are imprecise, as the historical data contrasts with the oral reports. Nevertheless, it is clear, both in the memory of the community and in the historical documentation, the direct link of this village with the Order do Carmelite (Carmelite Order), which had several projects in Alcântara, such as farms, potteries, salt pans, first hospitals for people with mental disorders, convent and church. The approach adopted in this article focuses on the religiosity present in the formation of the quilombola community in Itamatatiua, located in Alcântara/Maranhão. In the methodological track, field research was used, conducted in the place where people live and socialize, with due survey through data collection and an inductive method (descriptive accumulation in detail).


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Author Biographies

  • Arkley Marques Bandeira, Federal University of Maranhão

    Phd. Permanent Professor

  • Conceição de Maria Belfort, Federal University of Maranhão

    Permanent Professor

  • Klautenys Dellene Guedes Cutrim, Federal University of Maranhão

    Permanent Professor

  • Kátia do Perpétuo Socorro Viana Santos de Alencar, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master student

  • MARIANA QUEEN CARDOSO DA SILVA, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master student Culture e Society Post-Graduate Program.

  • Nyedja Rejane Tavares Lima, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master student

  • Suelen Cipriano Milhomem Dantas, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master student

  • Tereza Cristina Lobato Pereira, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master student

  • Vanessa de Matos Tavares Cogo, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master student

  • Yuri Sampaio Capellato Logrado, Federal University of Maranhão

    Master student

  • Michele Angelo Tinagli Casarosa, Federal University of Maranhão

    Phd. Visitor Professor


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How to Cite

Bandeira, A. M., Belfort, C. . de M. ., Cutrim, K. D. G. ., de Alencar, K. do P. S. V. S. ., SILVA, M. Q. C. D., Lima, N. R. T., Dantas, S. C. M. ., Pereira, T. C. L. ., Cogo, V. de M. T., Logrado, Y. S. C. ., & Casarosa, M. A. T. . (2022). Memory in the quilombo Alcantarense de Itamatatiua-MA: The focus on religiosity. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(5), 10-18.
Received 2021-12-20
Accepted 2022-01-26
Published 2022-05-01

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