The proposed conservation of biodiversity: interface of the creative economy with environmental quality in the context of the graduate development program - PDPG legal Amazônia
Legal Amazon, Biodiversity, Conservation, Environmental RecoveryAbstract
This research presents the proposal presented by UFMA called Conservation of biodiversity: the interface of the creative economy with environmental quality, linked to thematic area II - Biodiversity, conservation and environmental recovery. The proposal is intended to address the issue of biodiversity conservation in an interdisciplinary way, together with sociocultural aspects, to expand academic links between them and promote dialogue between their research groups, to enhance academic production of high scientific impact, considering the Eastern Amazon of Maranhão, particularly the Baixada Maranhense and Reentrâncias Maranhenses regions. The research aims to qualify professionals and students coming from different areas to work in teaching, research and extension, as well as in the management of public policies that prioritize themes and objects of studies focused on the Legal Amazon in Maranhão, with a focus on the Eastern Amazon, in the regions of Baixada Maranhense and Reentrâncias Maranhenses. In the pursuit of the objectives, field research was used (conducted in the place where people live and socialize; Multifactorial Survey (use of two or more data collection techniques); Inductive Method (descriptive accumulation in detail); Holistic Vision (as complete picture as possible of the study group, considering the vision of the researcher and the researched).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Arkley Marques Bandeira, Conceição de Maria Belfort, Klautenys Dellene Guedes Cutrim, Kátia do Perpétuo Socorro Viana Santos de Alencar, MARIANA QUEEN CARDOSO DA SILVA, Nyedja Rejane Tavares Lima, Suelen Cipriano Milhomem Dantas, Tereza Cristina Lobato Pereira, Vanessa de Matos Tavares Cogo, Yuri Sampaio Capellato Logrado, Michele Angelo Tinagli Casarosa

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Accepted 2022-01-26
Published 2022-05-01