Body and corporeity in their historical and social course for postmodernity






Post-modernity configures as the time marked by the valorization and cult of the body, focused on aesthetics and narcissistic standards of youth and beauty that emphasize egalitarian stereotypes to all individuals. The body, published in the media as a symbolic product of success, takes its place on the social front. Thus, the body appears overvalued, becoming an idealized target of unattainable perfection, through the excessive appreciation of thinness, attempts to delay the natural aging process, through aesthetic procedures, and the incessant search to fit in dictated beauty standards culturally. This article is based on the analysis of bibliographic discussions aimed at contextualizing the body, corporeality, beauty and social standards.


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Author Biographies

  • Adriana Silva Silveira, University of Cruz Alta

    Doctoral of the student Postgraduate Program (PPG) in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development - UNICRUZ . MSc of the Postgraduate Program (PPG) in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development - UNICRUZ . PostGraduation in Business Communication, Gama Filho. Bachelor in Public Relations from the University of Cruz Alta - UNICRUZ. Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Norte do Parana - UNOPAR.

  • Ionathan Junges, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

    MSc student of the Postgraduate Program (PPG) in human rights - UNIJUÍ. Graduated in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM. Student of the Law Course of the University of Cruz Alta – UNICRUZ.Phone: 55-55-99922-9771

  • Everton Silva Silveira, University of Cruz Alta

    Student of the Law Course of the University of Cruz Alta – UNICRUZ

  • Solange Garces, University of Cruz Alta

    Graduated in Physical Education from UNICRUZ; Specialist in Theory and Systematization of Teaching by UFSM; Master in Movement Sciences from UDES / SC and PhD in Social Sciences from UNISINOS, with an emphasis on Social Policies and Practices. Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development. Leader of GIEEH - Interdisciplinary Group on Human Aging Studies - CNPq / UNICRUZ.


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How to Cite

Silva Silveira, A., Junges, I., Silva Silveira, E., & Garces, S. (2022). Body and corporeity in their historical and social course for postmodernity. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(3), 355-368.
Received 2022-02-18
Accepted 2022-03-06
Published 2022-03-01

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