People, culture and civilization

Tropicalism as resistance to military dictatorship




Culture, Civilization, Dictatorship, People, Bourgeoisie


The political and economic crises faced today, evidenced by the manifestos of political parties and the texts published in social networks and in the press, point to Brazilian society the possibility of different directions, including that of an autocratic regime, with the return of the military to the public sphere. This article discusses the movements of acceptance and resistance to the military regime that was implemented in Brazil with the coup of 1964. It is observed that the military uprising received at that time the support of a large part of the Brazilian population, which sought ways to maintain its socioeconomic status to the detriment of a majority that perceived itself vulnerable in view of the forms of maintenance and expansion of power used by the regime. In this context, Tropicalism emerges as an example of a contesting movement. This text approaches the song "Culture and civilization" by Gilberto Gil, performed by Gal Costa, relating the ideas present in this composition with the understandings of politics and culture, in a multidisciplinary proposal, seeking to understand the resistance and counter-resistance movements that emerged in Brazil at the time.


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How to Cite

Nascimento de Araujo, L. G., dos Santos, C. E., Fontoura Dorneles, E., Junges, I., Diotto, N., & Brutti, T. A. (2021). People, culture and civilization: Tropicalism as resistance to military dictatorship. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(2), 34-43.
Received 2020-12-29
Accepted 2021-01-06
Published 2021-02-01

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