Bank And Non-Bank Financial Institutions And The Development Of The Nigerian Economy
Loans And Advances, Moral Hazards, Adverse SelectionAbstract
The focus of this study was on the impact of bank and non-bank financial institutions on the growth and development of the Nigerian economy. In an attempt to achieve the objectives of the research, data for the period 1992 to 2012 were collected from the CBN publications. Hypotheses were also formulated. The data collected were analysed using the E-views econometric software under the ordinary least square (OLS) regression analysis. The study as confirmed by the result of the joint test revealed that the financial institutions play prominent role on the growth and development of the Nigerian economy. However, it was further revealed that individual contributions of the explanatory variables varied. For example, the Deposit Money Banks were revealed to have impacted very insignificantly to the growth and development of the Nigerian economy. This may not be unconnected with the unwholesome practices in the banking sector such as granting of loans/advances to “ghost” applicants, diversion of loans and advances granted, high incidence of moral hazards. In view of the above, it is recommended among others that government should come up with lending policies that will not only reduce diversions of bank loans/advances but will deter persons involved in such sharp practices. Such loans and advances which must be on long-term basis should be extended to needy investors in the real sector. Consumer loans and also loans and advances for commerce do not play prominent role in the growth and development of the economy and thus should be discouraged. The current and on-going reforms in the financial sector should be encouraged and maintained.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Ndugbu Michael O, J.N Ojiegbe, Barr. Lawrence Uzowuru N, Okere Peter A

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