The use of the Problem Based Learning and podcast in the learning of the curricular component philosophy in high school




Problem Based Learning, Podcast, High School, Philosophy


The issue that guided the development of this study was: Does the utilization of Problem Based Learning (PBL), involving the resolution of everyday problems and philosophical themes, presented in podcast format, potentialize the learning of Philosophy for high school students? Based on this research issue, the general objective was drawn: to analyze the potential of PBL and podcast media for the meaningful learning of the Philosophy component in High School. The instruments used for data collection were: a preliminary questionnaire with students, records made through Google docs, during the application of the seven steps of PBL, production and recording of podcasts and comments made to t hem. In addition, a self-assessment and peer assessment were carried out with the students, culminating in a round of conversation. An interview with the teacher was also carried out to analyze the process experienced. Data analysis was performed from two categories that emerged from the theoretical framework and data obtained. It was evidenced that, in the application of PBL combined with the construction of a podcast, in the discipline of Philosophy, in High School, students exercised their protagonism and learned to work collaboratively with their peers.


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Author Biographies

  • Aline Moreno Dassie
    Journalist and Philosopher, Specialist in Semiotics and Master in Education
  • Raquel Rosan Christino Gitahy, The State University of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Department of Education, University The State University of Mato Grosso do Sul and The University do Oeste Paulista, Brazil


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How to Cite

Moreno Dassie, A., & Rosan Christino Gitahy, R. (2022). The use of the Problem Based Learning and podcast in the learning of the curricular component philosophy in high school. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 10(10), 98-112.
Received 2022-09-03
Accepted 2022-09-29
Published 2022-10-01