Analysis and modeling of impact of flood on a dam using Midas software (a case study of university of Ilorin)
This project examined the computer aided modelling, analysis, and design, of a concrete gravity dam using MIDAS GTS software. A manual design based on stability analysis against sliding, overturning and shear friction of the dam due to a flood level of 7.6 m (same as the height of the dam) and a flood level of 10.5 m were included. Data used was collected from project planning unit (PPU) of the University of Ilorin for the analysis. Based on the manual design of the typical concrete gravity dam analysis carried out, the factors of safety against, Overturning, Sliding and Shear Friction Factor were 2.5, 2.3, and 47 (for the flood level of 7.6 m) and 1.5, 1.2, and 26 (for the flood level of 10.5 m) which are all greater than the allowable factors. . The principal stresses at the toe of the dam using manual and MIDAS software are 2.5 X 105 kN/????2 and 2.43 X 105 kN/????2 respectively and the shear stresses using manual and MIDAS software are 1.1 X 105 kN/????2 and 1.6 X 105 kN/????2 respectively (for the flood level at 7.6 m)
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Copyright (c) 2016 Raji S.A, Abur Andy, Jiya Gideon, Olobayo A.A

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