The Intellectual Capital Capability and the Income Generating Project of a Philippine University
Intellectual Capital, human capital, structural capital, relational capital, Income Generating ProjectAbstract
Intellectual capital is a new concept for a new way of doing business. It involves looking at products, processes, and people in order to profit from the intelligence it contains. State universities in the Philippines has to adopt this concept through corporatization due to the impending cut down on government subsidy. Anchored on an integration of intellectual theories and models, this study sought to come up with an analysis of the level of intellectual capital capability in terms of its human capital; structural capital, and; relational capital of the Leyte Normal University. There is an average level of LNU’s intellectual capital capability in terms of human, structural and relational. A few people inside the organization are aware that they are equipped with intellectual capital. There were insufficient management strategies, management skills of the people running the income generating projects.
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