The Solution of the Dependence on Land Finance with the New-type Local Taxation System


  • Fuqiang Zhang South China University of Technology, China
  • Zeqin Wu South China University of Technology, China



New type Urbanization, Land Finance, Local Ta xation System, Overseas Experience, Legislation and Perfection


The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC National Congress put forward again that we should adhere to the new path of urbanization with Chinese characteristics, which has attr acted the attention at home and abroad. In the past, the urbanization of our country mainly demonstrated as "land urbanization", which led to the emergence of the local government land finance, widened the gap between urban and rural development, manifeste d interests contradiction between urban and rural areas. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee that local governments have sufficient sources of fiscal revenue in order to break dependence on land finance for the purpose of making the construction of the new type urbanization becoming the engine for the economic growth in China. The corresponding specific measures are: first, we should perfect the legislation; second, we should straighten out the fiscal power and the administrative authority between the c entral and local governments harmoniously; the last and most important one is that local governments are authorized to adopt the innovative measure of "municipal securities and local taxation system”.


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Author Biographies

  • Fuqiang Zhang, South China University of Technology, China

    Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor of Law school

  • Zeqin Wu, South China University of Technology, China

    Master Degree Candidate of Law school


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How to Cite

Zhang, F., & Wu, Z. (2016). The Solution of the Dependence on Land Finance with the New-type Local Taxation System. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4(7), 63-73.