Two Armenian Bibles with Arabic Influences of miniature painting (Gregor Tatevatsi 1346-1410)
Armenian, illumination, manuscripts, miniature, painting, Grigor Tatevatsi, SyuniqAbstract
About a century ago, Armenian illuminated manuscripts attracted the attention of scholars and lovers of art. Since that time intensive studies of medieval Armenian art had been conducted a unique historical panorama of the art of illumination, embracing more than thirteen centuries has been given.
The heritage of a number of miniature schools and their outstanding representatives has been studied; the significance of medieval Armenian painting in the history of world art has been revealed. Although, most of them illuminated, many have not yet been published. Among the best examples of medieval Armenian illumination are those of the following two manuscripts, where the researcher published (28 miniatures) from the Gospel of folios paper in Matenadaran of Mashtots, for the first time: 13th, dated (1297) and (1378), the miniatures were executed by Grigor Tatevatsi and his pupil in (1378), and15th, dated in the end of 14th century and beginning of 15th century, the scribe is Grigor Tatevatsi and the anonymous painter of Syuniq. The research deals two Armenian bibles with Arab Influences by Grigor Tatevatsi (1346–1410), it begins with an introduction for Armenia with a focus on Syuniq which produced the two manuscripts, and includes three sections:
1st. Study of Armenian miniatures with a focus on Grigor Tatevatsi school, where the proportion of miniature paintings, his pupil or anonymous painter of Syuniq.
2nd. Analytical study.
3ed. The influences of the Arabic miniature painting.
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