Architectural planning of Minia mosques


  • Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish Minia University, Egypt



Minia, mosques, courtyard, riwaqs, Fatimid age


Minia  maintains twenty-four archaeological mosques adopt several models follows: the local architectural planning between the courtyard and open riwaqs, and planning with naves without courtyard.

There are four mosques take planning component of the courtyard and riwaqs ranging in date from the Fatimid age, and twenty mosques planning to take the naves and overdraft without a courtyard ranging in date from the Fatimid and Muhammad Ali ages includes one mosque with five naves, eleven mosques with four naves, five mosques of three naves and three Mosques of two naves.

The objective of this study to highlight the evolution of the architectural planning of the mosques in Minia governorate, which was one of the most important provinces in Upper Egypt, in the architectural heritage,

The variables of comparison where mosques have been established since the Arab conquest of Egypt has maintained were noted in the planning and architectural elements, while in the mosques of the renovation and reconstruction in many periods, it retained Architectural assets, which was mostly to the Fatimid age, also found that the mosque has seen the upswing in the Mamluk and Ottoman ages.

Whether the planning with open Riwaqs around the courtyard or naves without courtyard, and the development of the architectural elements which include facades and entrances, minarets and arches.

The research, in the methodology followed, based on the identification of the architectural planning stages of the development of the mosques on:

1. The descriptive approach through the study of architectural planning and follows this through different ages.

2. The analytical and comparative approach by the various characteristics of the models and patterns of architectural planning and comparative study with a number of mosques.


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Author Biography

  • Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish, Minia University, Egypt

    Professor of Islamic archaeology, department of archaeology, Faculty of Arts


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How to Cite

Darwish, M. A. (2016). Architectural planning of Minia mosques. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 4(8), 108-131.